Showing posts from 2023

Best Steam games to play on the desktop

So, I wrote a brief post about the best games to play on Steam Deck  with links to individual reviews as I write them I guess I should counter that by writing a post about the best Steam ga…

Game Review: Owlboy

I've had Owlboy in my Steam Library for a while now, but only just decided to play it. In part, because I wanted to see if it was a good title for my Best games to play on Steam Deck …

My favourite teas

I grew up drinking tea, thanks to my mother, but it was very standard - PG tips, with lots of milk and sugar. Now, thanks to a mixture of dairy intolerance and late onset diabetes my taste…

Game Review: Mortal Kombat XL

I used to love the original MK on the Megadrive and other platforms, I have since bought the latest instalment of the franchise on Steam: Mortal Kombat 11, and it's great, if a little o…

Best games to play on Steam Deck

Ok, so this is off the top of my head, the best Steam Deck experiences I've had so far. I will continue to update this, as I write individual reviews for each game they will be linked t…

Bugball 3.0 - Will now be

So this project has been haunting me since I first started it in 2005: Live version: Or…

Spotting ChatGPT created content out in the wild.

I went to answer a question about WebGL on Quora, and someone else had beaten me to it, though their answer was, well, a little bit fishy: No mention of WebGPU. No mention of the fact that…

Game Review: Nuclear Blaze

I'm so glad I found this game. It was created by a Dead Cells developer, and it shows. Apparently it was originally conceived, very quickly, during a game jam It's a very basic plat…

What has happened to twitter - and why.

Ok, Twitter has changed/is changing. Let's look at recent events, reports, announcements etc. and see if it forms any kind of meaningful picture. Note, this isn't science. unless y…

The online safety bill

From a tech person, to people who legislate. If you have anything to do with the online safety bill, please, PLEASE, consider these points before letting it pass. 1. Self harm. How do you d…

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