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Best Steam games to play on the desktop

So, I wrote a brief post about the best games to play on Steam Deck  with links to individual reviews as I write them I guess I should counter that by writing a post about the best Steam ga…

Game Review: Owlboy

I've had Owlboy in my Steam Library for a while now, but only just decided to play it. In part, because I wanted to see if it was a good title for my Best games to play on Steam Deck …

My favourite teas

I grew up drinking tea, thanks to my mother, but it was very standard - PG tips, with lots of milk and sugar. Now, thanks to a mixture of dairy intolerance and late onset diabetes my taste…

Game Review: Mortal Kombat XL

I used to love the original MK on the Megadrive and other platforms, I have since bought the latest instalment of the franchise on Steam: Mortal Kombat 11, and it's great, if a little o…

Best games to play on Steam Deck

Ok, so this is off the top of my head, the best Steam Deck experiences I've had so far. I will continue to update this, as I write individual reviews for each game they will be linked t…

Bugball 3.0 - Will now be

So this project has been haunting me since I first started it in 2005: Live version: Or…

Spotting ChatGPT created content out in the wild.

I went to answer a question about WebGL on Quora, and someone else had beaten me to it, though their answer was, well, a little bit fishy: No mention of WebGPU. No mention of the fact that…

Game Review: Nuclear Blaze

I'm so glad I found this game. It was created by a Dead Cells developer, and it shows. Apparently it was originally conceived, very quickly, during a game jam It's a very basic plat…

What has happened to twitter - and why.

Ok, Twitter has changed/is changing. Let's look at recent events, reports, announcements etc. and see if it forms any kind of meaningful picture. Note, this isn't science. unless y…

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